(587) 327-9493

Diabetic Eye Exams in Cochrane

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Diabetes Can Compromise Your Vision

We’ve known there is a link between diabetes and eye health and vision for a while now. According to the Canadian Association of Optometrists, the risk of blindness is 25 times higher for someone with diabetes, making it the leading cause of blindness in Canada. Other than vision loss, diabetes can also increase the chances of developing serious ocular conditions and diseases.

That’s why, if you have diabetes, it’s critical to keep your eyes a priority. At River Heights Eye Care, we work closely with you to ensure your eyes are healthy and in check at all times. Book your next appointment today.

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Symptoms of Diabetic Eye Disease

If you have diabetes and you suddenly notice any of the following symptoms, it’s critical that you book an appointment with us as soon as possible:

  • Loss of central vision
  • Blurry or distorted vision
  • Unexplained flashes of light
  • Inability to see colours
  • Increase of eye floaters

Unfortunately, many eye diseases related to diabetes are asymptomatic, meaning you likely won’t experience symptoms until after you’ve experienced permanent vision loss.

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Our Diabetic Eye Exam Process

If not properly maintained, high blood sugar levels can wreak havoc on our eyes. Diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema are two serious eye diseases that are directly linked to diabetes. However, other diseases and conditions can also form. For example, cataracts and glaucoma often develop as a result of diabetes.

At River Heights Eye Care, we use the latest diagnostic, imaging, and testing technology to care for diabetic eyes. Along with a range of other technologies, our clinic is equipped with the Topcon 3D OCT-1 Maestro, an advanced automated optical coherence tomography system and a fundus camera. The full-colour fundus camera offers both 2D and 3D pictures in high resolution and takes full scans in record time.

Using these high-resolution images, we can keep a detailed record of your eye health by detecting and tracking any ocular changes that occur. We can also pinpoint the progression of any diabetic-related eye diseases and treat or manage your symptoms.

We Look Forward To Meeting You

Visit us

Our brand-new clinic is located in River Heights, on the south side of the beautiful Bow River. You’ll find us across the highway from the Community of Fireside, beside Cochrane Dodge.

Contact Information

Phone: (587) 327-9000
Fax: (587) 327-9001
[email protected]


1129 4A River Heights Drive
Cochrane, AB T4C 0N8

Hours of Operations

9 AM5 PM
11 AM7 PM
10 AM5 PM
11 AM7 PM
10 AM4:30 PM

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