(587) 327-9493

Emergency Eye Care in Cochrane

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When Your Eyes Require Urgent Care

Eye emergencies happen. And when they do, the team at River Heights Eye Care is here to help.

Our eyes are incredibly delicate, and even the smallest of injuries can be serious. Don’t jeopardize your vision and eye health: call us immediately at (587) 327-9000.

If our office is closed, call 911 or proceed to your nearest emergency room.

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What Constitutes an Eye Emergency?

Whether due to a sudden accident, sports injury, or a spontaneous irritation, the following situations or symptoms may be considered an eye emergency:

  • Sudden and unexplained loss of vision
  • Any eye pain or discomfort accompanied by other symptoms in the body
  • Bleeding or other eye discharge
  • Flashers or floaters
  • Itching, burning, or irritation
  • Extreme allergic reaction
  • Harmful chemical contact
  • Lodging of a foreign object
  • Bruising around the eye cavity
  • Pupils that differ in size

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What NOT to do During an Eye Emergency


  • Attempt to dislodge a foreign object using your fingers, tweezers, or any other pointy object.
  • Rub your eye. This can cause further damage, making the situation worse.
  • Use eye drops or any other medications unless told to do so by a medical professional.

Consider Protective Eyewear

Many eye-related emergencies are preventable with protective eyewear. We carry a wide selection of sports and protective eyewear and would love to discuss your needs and options with you.

To help you safeguard your eye health and vision, book an appointment with River Heights Eye Care now.

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We Look Forward To Meeting You

Visit us

Our brand-new clinic is located in River Heights, on the south side of the beautiful Bow River. You’ll find us across the highway from the Community of Fireside, beside Cochrane Dodge.

Contact Information

Phone: (587) 327-9000
Fax: (587) 327-9001
[email protected]


1129 4A River Heights Drive
Cochrane, AB T4C 0N8

Hours of Operations

9 AM5 PM
11 AM7 PM
10 AM5 PM
11 AM7 PM
10 AM4:30 PM

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