You may be wondering why someone that has perfect vision should still consider seeing a local Cochrane optometrist. Historically speaking, poor vision has been the biggest indicator of eye disease. However, it is not the only indicator of eye disease. In fact, loss of vision is usually the last stage in any kind of vision or eye disorder, meaning that once you lose your vision, you cannot ever get it back.
Why Do You Need an Eye Exam?
This is the key as to why it is so imperative to visit your eye doctor regularly. Although you may be able to see just fine, the inner workings of your eye may reveal something much more serious. Comprehensive eye exams by means of highly trained and professional eye doctors will be able to keep you as up-to-date as possible with the help of your vision.
Comprehensive eye exams take about an hour or an hour and a half as they include a host of different tests. These tests can include exams that look for abnormalities in refraction, binocular vision testing, color vision testing, glaucoma checks, slit lamp observation, visual field assessment, and more depending on what your optometrist sees most fit.
When is the Right Time?
Usually, the right time to see your optometrist starts at the age of just six months. Typically a check-up is performed at around that time, at 3 years old, and right before first grade. After those checks, children are invited to see the optometrist at least once a year until the age of 60 when going to the optometrist must be done more frequently as well.
Find the Right Optometrist!
In order to make sure that you stay up-to-date with your eye health, it is important that you find the right optometrist in Cochrane. Here at River Heights Eye Care, we work diligently to make sure that our patients are seen as frequently and necessary as possible in order to stay on top of any changes in Vision. If you would like to make an appointment with us here at River Heights Eye Care in Cochrane, feel free to give our Cochrane office a call!